Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Silver Boxes

Last night I was dreaming of silver boxes. Lots of various sized silver boxes, some with lids, some without. Silver boxes just suspended amidst a black nothingness. You see, that evening I had been considering, very intently, the idea of 'the box', thinking to myself, brainstorming a busily scribbled mind map entitled 'What is a box?'. My definition was that a box is a solid form with the function of providing containment of dry items (as opposed to wet & fluid), that is traditionally 4 sided with or without a lid, but as long as its structure is solid, a box may be any shape. So then I thought of all the things a box might hold/contain & came up with precious personal items (jewellery, keepsakes, heirlooms, relics, secrets, letters), knick-knacks, lockable boxes for high security or dangerous items, accessories (hats, shoes, gloves), clothing (wedding dress, lingerie), keys, tissues, post, money, photographs, ashes even. I thought about materials that boxes are made of, whether it is plain & simple to look at, or richly & extravagantly embellished or adorned.....Indian betrothal boxes came to mind, then I got to thinking about when boxes first appeared on this Earth's timeline... Then I went to sleep & dreamt of many silver boxes.

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