Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Oh Woe! How Time Flies & With Not Much Fun


Ok, so my fantastic blog idea didn't go so well last year...with seemingly one disasterous health problem after the other. Been off work since the end of October with herniated discs. Not fully slipped, but excruciatingly painful at times and physically & partly mentally debilitating nonetheless ( discs protruding onto sciatic nerve). I have been having one to one pilates sessions, which are focused on core stability body conditioning & postural realignment, and have started going swimming. It has been a one step forward, two steps back kind of rehabilitation these past two months. I still have some weakness down one leg, in which I get a sciatic cramp flare up now and then, but I can cope better with it now & I'm getting better at listening to my body when it is warning me that I'm doing too much. I aim to be recommencing my full time job in February (alleluja), all things being well.

So, what have I been filling my time with aside from my daily exercises? Well, jewellery making went out the window for a while ( back on track with that end of December) as I was unnable to sit to to anything at all to start with, then later on I could only sit for short periods of 10 minutes at the most. Since I could crochet in practically any position, I took this up again (no hats this time). Believe me, I am sure crocheting has kept me sane. This and listening to the soothing tones of Stephen Fry reading all the Harry Potter books.... I'm very glad, after seeing the J.K.Rowling special on tv last week, that this wonderful lady is writing more for us.

This weekend just gone, I completed my very first pair of crocheted socks (see the pic of the rainbow stripe enrobed feet), and I have now, having been to knitting group at The Bridge this evening, commenced my second pair, in a less eye catching colourway! My Nana & Mum (great knitters) thought they were fab.

I received a digital camera for my birthday (end of December), so I am busy trying to get my head around that. Just managed to copy pics from camera to computer this evening, now just got to suss out how to transfer to here and onto Ravelry ( I'm ArtfulAdorner in case you are on there too). Fab site!

Oh well. Just bringing this blog upto date really. Trying not to make resolutions for 2008, would just like some good health please.

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