Monday, 28 January 2008

Picasa Pallava

Eeeh what a pallava! Spent two and a half hours this afternoon trying to upload pics through Picasa for my slide show. Eventually got it done.Hurrah! Got the Blogging For Dummies book on Friday to help me get a bit more blog-savvy. Hmmm. We'll see.

Wish I could say the same about my digital photo skills....One thing at a time...And there's another thing, I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about all the lovely things I want to crochet & bead. Not much actual doing going on at the mo. I think it's because the creation inspirative is flowing torrentially. So many WIPs on the go. Why can't I ever stick to the one project and finish it without my itchy fingers trying to wrap around other things?...Because, because,because...It just isn't me. I can contentedly amble along, taking in everything and nothing about the view on my way. My world is one of organised chaos. If I were neat and organised I think I would soon acquire a personality malfunction (worse than already)! Ho, hum.

My BIG think today has been of freeform crochet and just HOW to begin.....It will come to me.

Going to have some reflexology on Thursday. Considering they hold us up all our lives, we don't treat our feet enough. Going to be an expensive week. There is no way I'm going to unleash my feet as they are now on the reflexologist, so I've booked myself in for a half leg wax, pedicure and toe nail paint tomorrow afternoon. Ha, ha, ha...I don't know where all this recent vanity has sprung up from.

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