Friday 30 December 2011

Resolving To Begin Again

Here sit I, on the eve of 2012, resolved that I will pick up where I left off and blog again. What has passed? A major health disaster (ole lumbar again), yet also a self-employed major health recovery. In the dark face of pessimism and bleak reality, I taught myself how to fly again.... Oh, how wonderful it is to be in the clouds again. Living. Dreaming. Feeling the creation inspirative flow freely just as it should! A life without a daily creation is no life at all....

What else? Hmm, oh, I formed my own bitch and stitch group in June this year. It began as a favour to friends who ran an art cafe in the city. We fell out after a few successful months (they blamed me for not encouraging the group members to spend more money on their beverages and cakes), but the members wished to continue our weekly knitting, so we carried on, privately, and now, 5 months on, call ourselves The Happy Hooker Collective (of 6). I taught 2 members how to knit, and it both sickens & makes me proud at the same time that they are now much better knitters than I could ever dream of becoming. Such tension! Such delicious tidy knitting! Bah!

I've finally gotten the ball rolling for my professional development degree (Bsc). Penultimate module commences second week of January, then I'm signed up for my dissertation module in September......I ought to be panicking. I just can't decide what to base my disssertation on! Hmmm, will put that to one side for the procrastinating moment, I think! Gulp.

Now. Creation inspirative for 2012 lies in rust, boxes, dilapidation, doors, cemetaries, folklore and fairytales. Let your imagination run with those keywords and I will quench curiosities in 2012!

You may have noticed that I've updated my blog list and Links of Lusciousness. There is much to see. My love for all things assemblage and altered has doubled in size. I just can't wait to make divine artisan bread with all the ideas in my head and scribbles over numerous notebooks and pages.

All the very best of health and free flowing creation inspirative in 2012!

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